
Congratulations 列表
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for ‘tourism payment system’ project.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract with Jinan Bus Company for the project of ‘bus payment integrated POS terminals’.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for ‘IC card system upgrading and mobile payment’ project.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for ‘urban connectivity Benxi management platform’ project.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for ‘Golmud bus system’ project and this project is one of connectivity dragon card projects in Qinghai province.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the product purchase contract with Bank of China Qiqihar sub-branch.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for ‘electronic bus virtual card’ project.
⋅ Dec. 2017: TCPS signed the contract for the project of ‘Alipay Electronic Bus Card of Hangzhou Multifunction Card’.
⋅ Nov. 2017: TCPS signed the contract with ‘Neijiang Bus Group Co., Ltd.’ for the project of ‘Bus IC Card System’.
⋅ Nov. 2017: TCPS signed the contracts for Langzhong system platform construction and equipment procurement.

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