
Congratulations 列表
⋅ Dec. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the project of ‘Hangzhou citizen card mobile APP’.
⋅ Dec. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the project of ‘Dengzhou public transport IC card fare collection and management system’.
⋅ Dec. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the project of ‘Yichun bus card application system’.
⋅ Sep. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the project of Baishan public transport IC card fare collection and management system.
⋅ Sep. 2014: Zhongxiang fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system, which were constructed by TCPS, were put in operation.
⋅ Sep. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the project of Laibin fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system.
⋅ Sep. 2014: TCPS signed the contract of for the project of ‘Jiayuguan fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system’.
⋅ Sep. 2014: Xingcheng fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system, which were constructed by TCPS, were put in operation.
⋅ Aug. 2014: Xindu public transport fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system, which were constructed by TCPS, were put in operation.
⋅ Aug. 2014: TCPS signed the contract for the projects of Jianyang public transport fleet management system and onboard video surveillance system.

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